Warren Food trucks are located near the parking lot in Earl Warren College. Before Warren Food trucks existed, there used to be an actual dining hall named "Canyon Vista". However, the construction in Warren College made the dining hall close down, being replaced by these food trucks. Warren, with or without the actual dining hall, has the most experimental food. This might be the reason why it received the title for having the worst dining hall food. I personally think that Warren does a good job of serving its students with a variety of dishes that doesn't only reserve to Japanese, Mexican, Italian, and American foods. Like many other dining halls, Warren Food trucks serve burgers and fries, but they also serve different dishes depending on the day! I tend to look out for these dishes rather than the standard burgers and fries. Though the attempt at different ethnic dishes may lead to the road to either failure or success, I appreciate Warren's effort change thing up a bit! These food trucks may also be spotted at school events so keep an eye out for them!
My favorite Warren Food Truck dish: Carne Asada fries/Korean-style Asada fries
My favorite Canyon Vista dish: Japanese-style Ramen.
* Though the ramen itself is pretty good, the bamboo shoots and soft boiled egg may be a bit sour for your taste!
